02/11: Assembly House - Talk and Tour

02/11: Assembly House – Talk and Tour

One of the Norwich 12, the Assembly House is a landmark building in Norwich city center. Best known for the Georgian interiors of the assembly rooms, it incorporates built fabric from the medieval times onwards.

It is the site of the medieval Chapel and later College of St Mary in the Field, which became a private house before becoming an assembly rooms; later uses included a dancing school, cinema and YMCA.

Purcell has been involved in various projects in the Assembly House’s more recent history, including the restoration after the major fire and the conversion of the East Wing to hotel bedrooms. A talk on the history and development of the building will be followed by a short tour of the medieval undercroft.

This event is free of charge, but numbers are limited so please book on the link below.

Event information:

Date / time: Saturday 2 November, 10.00am
Venue: Pierce Room, Assembly House, Norwich, NR2 1RQ
Contact: Rowenna Wood and James Bailey – norwich.reception@purcelluk.com
Booking: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/guided-building-tour-at-the-assembly-house-norwich-tickets-74097733315