Hanningfield by Chaplin Farrant

Why use an architect?

The Norfolk Association of Architects (NAA) is the Norfolk Branch of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).

Local NAA activities are organised that support the strategic priorities and vision of the RIBA. These are:

  • To champion better buildings, communities and the environment through architecture and our members.
  • To be known for excellence in the promotion of architecture, setting standards, stimulating innovation, sharing knowledge and demonstrating the economic social and environmental benefits of good architecture.

The NAA is able to support four of the five priorities set by the RIBA, as follows:

“The NAA is one of nearly 70 RIBA branches, and is represented at RIBA Eastern Region in Cambridge…”

  • CLIENTS – To stimulate demand for architecture that delivers economic, social and environmental value.
  • MEMBERS – To work with local members to transform the practice of architecture to meet the opportunities and needs of the 21st century.
  • LEADERSHIP – To gather the opinions of local architects and use it to influence, lobby and lead improvements in the built environment locally, nationally and internationally.
  • KNOWLEDGE, INNOVATION & CULTURE – To provide local access to the RIBA hub of knowledge, innovation, research and debate on the built environment.

The NAA is one of nearly 70 RIBA branches, and is represented at RIBA Eastern Region in Cambridge. With the other eight regions, it is represented in London at the ‘Nations and Regions Committee’, which reports to the RIBA Board and RIBA Council.

NAA membership is free to all Chartered Architects and Practices (RIBA members).