20 slides x 20 seconds. 6 minutes 40 seconds total talking time for each speaker.
The PechaKucha presentation format is a slide show of 20 images, each auto-advancing after 20 seconds. It’s non-stop, with 400 seconds to tell a story, with visuals guiding the way. PechaKucha was created in Japan in 2003 by renowned architects Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham. The word “PechaKucha” is Japanese for “chit chat”. Find out more about the Pecha Kucha format at pechakucha.com.
The FANN 23 Pecha Kucha Night will take place in the Marchesi Room at Cinema City, Norwich, led by Jason Bill from Atelier Bill Architects.
Event information:
Date / time: Sunday 5 November 2023; 8pm
Venue: The Marchesi Room, Cinema City, Norwich
Tickets: Free, but booking required via www.eventbrite.co.uk