RIBA Norfolk is delighted to be holding their seventh Festival of Architecture in Norwich & Norfolk - FANN 21. FANN celebrates Norfolkâs unique history, architecture and culture and aims to stimulate interest, awareness and discussion about where we live.
2021 is the 100th anniversary of the originally named Norfolk & Norwich Association of Architects, now RIBA Norfolk (blue text) - and so we have a year of exciting events organised to celebrate the architecture and architects across the county. During the autumn of 2021 we are holding a number of online talks and discussions and in the spring and summer of 2022 we will have some real life talks, building visits, walking tours and demonstrations. Due to our significant birthday, our theme is 100 Year of Architecture and Architects in Norfolk and we will be looking at how the county and the profession has changed over the last century as well as considering how it might change further in the future.
Once again, the festival is only happening through the generous support of RIBA East and SPAB Norfolk; Norwich University of the Arts who have organised the Norfolk Architecture talks, and the RIBA Norfolk committee and other industry professionals across the county who have helped organise all of the events.
All of the events, included dates, times, locations and how to book are on the event pages. Most of our events are free and open to all. Do contact the event organiser or RIBA Norfolk with any queries.
We hope to see you at one of our events soon!
Follow us on twitter at @ArchiFestival and using the hashtag #FANN21.