18/10: Norwich City Centre Walking Tour

18/10: Norwich City Centre Walking Tour

Walking tour of Norwich City Centre, focusing on the old, new and re-cycled parts of Norwich City Centre.

The walk around Norwich city centre will highlight architectural innovations where old office blocks have been recycled into smart student accommodation and derelict buildings reinvented, by clever use of modern materials. Interesting building details that may be missed by the untrained eye, as well as historical points of interest along the way.

The walk starts off by looking at a ‘recycled building’ which used to be Aviva office which is now newly re-designed in a brick cladding and metal system. The walk then takes us through Norwich city looking at all things new, historic and re-cycled and highlighting details in cladding and brickwork in the very much new and historic city.

This event is free but numbers are limited so please confirm attendance on the booking link below.

Event information:

Date / time: 18 October 2019 at 11am.  Please arrive 5 mins before the walk starts. Duration 1h approx.
Venue: Meeting Point – Norwich Bus Station, near Stop B. Tour lasts approx. 1 hour and finishes by Byron Burger/Superdry near St Stephens Church.
Contact: Nadia Sterry nadiasterry@taylor.maxwell.co.uk and Aaron Rea aaronrea@taylor.maxwell.co.uk
Booking: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/norwich-city-centre-walking-tour-tickets-74096585883