07/11 Earth Building East Anglia

Earth Building – Looking to the Future


This afternoon conference is for building professionals, practitioners and other interested parties to meet and discuss modern and developing sustainable earth building techniques. East Anglia has a long history of unfired earth construction, from Saxon roundhouses, through wattle and daub to Victorian and C20th ‘clay lump’. There is an important and growing movement in the research and development of modern methods of construction in unfired earth, which many see as a truly sustainable and viable option, particularly for mass housing.

Conference participants will:

  1. a) hear presentations and discuss key issues relating to earth based new-build techniques;
  2. b) discuss the future developments and use of earth and sustainable materials in building

processes and progress towards certification;

  1. c) learn about the growing professional network around earth construction.

More details here: Earth Conference 2019

Event information:

Date / time: 7th November 2-7pm
Venue: The Ideas Factory, Cavendish House, 28-32 St Andrews Street, Norwich, NR2 4AE
Contact: chloe@robertsmolloy.co.uk
Booking: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/earth-building-looking-to-the-future-tickets-74942877163?utm_term=eventurl_text