FANN17 & iWitness24 Photography Competition

We are again holding a photography competition in the lead up to the FANN17 celebrations in partnership with Archant’s iWitness24.

Norfolk, like all places is made up of many layers of memories and this is translated into our built environment. Memories play a significant role in how we engage and interact with our towns & cities and understanding the ‘memory’ of a place is fundamental to understanding architecture. Sometimes it’s the smallest detail of a building, sometimes its how a landscape frames a view or how the building is designed. We’re very excited to see how this theme is interpreted by Norfolk’s photographers and what memory means to them.

There are two categories; open and under 16. The competition is strictly for amateur photographers.
You can submit up to four images via Twitter by using the hashtag #FANN17, email to, or via (make sure to include FANN17 in your submission). Please also add whether you are entering the open or under 16 competition. The maximum image size 1MB and the deadline for entries is 25 September 2017.

The open prize is one night’s dinner, bed & breakfast for two at the four star Maids Head Hotel, Norwich, believed to be the oldest hotel in the country – visit to find out more. The under 16 prize is £100 of iTunes vouchers.

Finalists photos will be displayed at the FANN17 Exhibition at The Forum from 3 October, with visitors to the exhibition voting for the winner. The awards ceremony is at The Forum at 18:00 on 12 October.

Closing date: 25 September

Exhibition info:

Dates / time: 3 – 12 October (Awards Ceremony – 20 October / 18:00)
Venue: The Forum, Millennium Plain, Norwich NR2 1TF –
Contact: Mia Church @ Chaplin Farrant –