26/10: Architecture on Film – Metropolis

Architecture forms a fundamental part of our everyday lives, however it is often rendered in the background with little thought given to the presence of the structures we routinely inhabit, walk-through and visually absorb.

Architecture can also be used as a medium to explore a range of themes, stories and events, especially in films where it is often used to provide an emotive tone to the scene or film, providing a background environment which sets the film in a particular genre and mood.

For this year’s festival, Cinema City will be hosting a short series of films from across the last 100 years that use architectural formations in which to reimagine a dystopian landscape; in which societies struggle with themselves, in events which could destroy the existence of humanity.

Metropolis (1927, directed by Fritz Land)

A film which looks to imagine the year 2026, in the city of Metropolis. As the wealthy industrialists reign from the high-rise towers, the underground-dwelling workers toil to operate the machines that provide power to the city.

Event info:

Date / time: 26 October / 20:15
Venue: Cinema City, St Andrews Street, Norwich NR2 2AD – www.picturehouses.co.uk/cinema/Cinema_City
Contact: Cinema City – 0871 902 5724